Celebrating 4 years of teaching creative piano online!

I founded Piano Picnic in late 2016, so we recently celebrated it’s 4th birthday with a LIVE virtual party celebration! Piano Picnic is about joy, vibrancy and beautiful music so we injected some of that into the celebration with games, 60-second tutorials, spin-the-wheel, spot-prizes, birthday telegrams from students and industry leaders and a grand prize draw ($600 of music training!).

We had so much fun hanging out together for almost an hour!

Here’s a 3-minute highlights reel:

When I started Piano Picnic, I knew that I wanted to teach the creative piano skills that seldom are taught. These skills that I had to fight to develop – by seeking out small bits of information from different sources, different teachers, from watching performers closely and studying their style and approach. Developing into a creative pianist was something I felt very much on my own with and took a long time to feel confident about.

These creative skills are playing by ear, from a lead-sheet, comping, improvising, composing & arranging. These are not the standard fare of traditional piano teachers –if you want to learn these skills you have a long road ahead of you– prior to Piano Picnic that is.

I always wondered why I couldn’t find a teacher to teach me these skills.

Those pianists I knew that could play creatively seemed to hold their secrets close to their chest. They’d gone on the long journey to develop those skills and therefore I must undertake this arduous journey too…

So I did - but I don’t think you should have to.

I’m unlocking the secret door - to the secret passage way - opening up to the secret library of creative pianist knowledge.

Because unlike other schools of thought, I don’t think you should have to study traditional piano for a decade before you’re given the opportunity to develop creative skills.

Creative training is not exclusive to advanced pianists.

Creative training must be approached like any other training – from a beginner level.

So I teach creative piano skills from the beginning, so that you can develop as a creative pianist NOW, not in 10 years time after you’re bored out of your mind from endless scales & dull repertoire from a traditional curriculum.

I have had the pleasure of instructing thousands of pianists who are passionate about playing freely and creatively.

I have wild dreams that Piano Picnic will be the primary source of creative piano lessons online and we’re right on track.

If you haven’t already joined the movement of creative piano playing, start here with Piano Picnic. Creative pianists require creative training – and that’s exactly what we do here.