How do I get to the next level with scales?

Revealing the benefits & steps to sticking with learning your scales that will get your creative piano skills to the next level!

Watch the video below or read on! [6 minutes]

Why learn advanced scales?

In last month’s group coaching for members, we covered how to play basic scales at the piano. We looked at the benefits and pitfalls of learning scales, the fingering pattern & technique that covers 50% of the scales you need to know, a visual reference to figure out any major or minor scale PLUS students came out with a practise plan to consistently develop their scale knowledge in a technical but also creative way!

This was a great foundation in learning scales and the members loved it - but I had so much more knowledge to give including how to play the fingering patterns & technique for the remaining 50% of the scales you need to know! So we’ll be covering those more advanced scales in this month’s coaching.

BUT before that - I wanted to take a look at WHY you should bother learning these Advanced scales - because I wouldn’t blame you for having doubts about putting in the extra work on scales - thinking "well I’ve learned how to play the easier half - when am I going to come across an F# major scale?"

So let’s look at some of those doubts and hopefully by the end of today you’ll see the value in getting your scales to the NEXT LEVEL!

What are the advanced scales and how are they different?

In the coaching ’Sensational Scales', we learned about how to read the Circle of Fifths to find the key of ANY major or minor scale. However, we only delved into the correct fingering pattern to be able to play half of those scales.

So though you have the means to discover the key signature of a scale, the fingering for playing them has not yet been revealed!

This may seem like we’re getting caught up on details, but the fingering pattern used is the difference between playing scales smoothly, deftly, comfortably and even quickly - or none of those things.

When we don’t know the right fingering pattern our fingers get all tripped up on each other, notes become disconnected and we can even find ourselves stumbling on incorrect notes due to the fumbling fingers.

So learning the various types of fingering is super important to playing scales well.

What will I ever use Advanced scales for?

You don’t have to be an advanced pianist to play these advanced scales!

You could come across this other 50% of the scale population in any regular song or piano piece–you may need to play a full scale or part of a scale and need to play it well without fumbling.

Just as with the basic scales, you could use these more advanced scales in your songwriting, improv, lead sheet comping and warm up exercises.

Using the more tricky fingering patterns used to play these advanced scales are going to further develop your finger technique, dexterity and agility.

In short, Advanced scales will take all the benefits you gain from basic scales, to the next level!

Who should attempt Advanced scales?

If you already know your C major scale (and because the fingering pattern is the same = C, D, E, G, A major & minor scales) - then you’re ready to learn advanced scales!

If you’re not yet feeling comfortable with those aforementioned scales, you should catch up on the ‘Sensational Scales’ coaching and have completed the challenge therein before you attempt this next one.

how do i access the advanced scales coaching?

To join the ‘Advanced Scales’ coaching you’ll need to become a Creative Pianist member! You’ll have access to ALL my courses, coaching session replays & a new training every month!