
Yoga for Pianists - a free taster session!

Yoga for Pianists - a free taster session!

If you've experienced any strain or pain as a result of playing piano – or maybe as a result of something else in your life but certainly exacerbated by playing piano, please know that it is normal! But just because it’s normal, that doesn’t mean you have to put up with it. Stretching into those forgotten corners of the body can do wonders for your energy, motivation and creativity too!

5 ways to take the stale out of piano scales!

5 ways to take the stale out of piano scales!

Just the word 'scales' conjures up memories of dry, boring, regimented exercises - on this journey toward becoming a creative pianist, you might have imagined we'd be leaving scales in the dust, right? In this article you'll discover how creative pianists can use scales to their advantage!